Sunday, July 15, 2012

labex PRIMES

Un labex est en fait une grosse ANR pluriannuelle et n'a rien n'a voir avec un labo hors les murs CNRS.

Le Labex PRIMES (Physique, Radiobiologie, Imagerie Médicale et Simulation), dont les porteurs sont : F. Peyrin* et D. Dauvergne (IPNL) regroupe 16 laboratoires du PRES de Lyon et de la région Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (UJF Grenoble et université de Clermont-Ferrand). C'est un projet multidisciplinaire qui vise à développer de nouveaux concepts et méthodes en radiothérapie, imagerie et en radiobiologie. Il est ciblé sur l’exploration, le diagnostic et la thérapie des cancers et des pathologies du vieillissement. Contact *Françoise Peyrin/ CREATIS Inserm U1044, CNRS 5220/INSA Lyon/Université de Lyon, ESRF, BP220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex. Directeur GDR Stic-Santé. En savoir plus 

De nouvelles techniques seront développées selon cinq axes stratégiques :
- radiothérapie, notamment en hadronthérapie (méthode innovante de radiothérapie pour
le traitement du cancer),
- techniques émergentes d’imagerie (spectral-CT ; phase-contrast imaging),
- radiobiologie (étude des effets biologiques des rayonnements sur les êtres vivants)
- nouveaux concepts en traitement d’image,
- simulation et modélisation en imagerie multimodale (utilisation de plusieurs techniques
d’imagerie, qui ont des résolutions spatiales et temporelles différentes, pour améliorer la
connaissance de la pathologie). 

PRIMES (Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation) has been selected as a French laboratory of Excellence (Labex) in 2012 (2nd year).

The “Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging, and Simulation” (PRIMES) Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) project is funded on a strong community with outstanding expertise in medical physics, radiobiology, medical imaging and computer science in Lyon and the surrounding Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region. PRIMES will essentially provide human resources to create a shared research environment with enhanced international competitiveness and novel training opportunities. PRIMES will focus on the high- priority health problems cancer therapy and aging-related disease.

These life science-topics are supported by a strong network of initiatives of excellence, and on a number of existing imaging, computing and radiotherapy platforms.

PRIMES’s primary objective is to develop new concepts and methods for the exploration, the diagnosis and therapy of cancer and aging-related pathologies. This topic is by nature an interdisciplinary field. PRIMES will bring together the complementary skills of 16 recognized academic and medical partners with a long-standing experience to develop state-of-the-art methods, covering all necessary fields, from basic physics, instrumentation, radiobiology, data acquisition and processing, to image reconstruction, simulations and modeling supported by supercomputing.

Avalon will mainly contribute to the challenge of providing versatile and powerful computing platform for simulation. It will focus on innovative abstractions to gain in transparency, efficiency and security in particular with respect to new programming models, management of heterogeneous resources (GPU, clusters, grid, supercomputer, cloud, etc), scheduling, large-scale data management, and reliability.

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