Avec la diffusion rapide des nouvelles technologies dans le tourisme, les professionnels sont confrontés à de nouveaux défis pour utiliser efficacement la grande quantité de données créées par les touristes. De nos jours, ce type d'information vient en grande quantité et à partir de sources multiples et variées, comme les téléphones cellulaires ou les nombreux réseaux sociaux ou de partage de photo de video d'avis, les emplacements.
Pour l'industrie du tourisme, l'hétérogénéité des sources rend difficile d'agréger et de les analyser. La question clé pour les acteurs du tourisme, professionnels ou décideurs gouvernementaux,
est de gérer et d'exploiter des informations touristiques sur leur territoire de manière efficace.
Le but est de décrire synthétiquement comment l'information touristique est géré sous le Tourinflux
projet. Dans cet article, une architecture nommée DataTourism pour la gestion des données sur le tourisme est décrit. Cette architecture résout plusieurs goulots d'étranglement technologiques rencontrés afin de mieux travailler avec des données du tourisme:
l'hétérogénéité, la qualité, l'interopérabilité, la réutilisabilité et la standardisation.
With the rapid diffusion of new technologies in tourism, professionals face new challenges to
efficiently use the vast amount of data created by tourists. Nowadays, this type of information
comes in huge amount and from multiple and varied sources, such as cellular phones or social
networks, touristic location attendance or dematerialized satisfaction surveys. It is an important
resource for the tourism industry, but its heterogeneity makes it difficult to aggregate and
analyze them. The key issue for tourism actors, professional or governmental decision-makers,
is to manage and operate tourism information about their territory effectively. The purpose of
this paper is to describe synthetically how tourism information is managed under the Tourinflux
project. In this paper an architecture named DataTourism for tourism data management is
described. This architecture solves multiple technological bottlenecks encountered when
working with tourism data: heterogeneity, quality, interoperability, reusability and
Keywords: DataTourism; Tourinflux; TIFSem; TimeML; SentiML.
The interoperability of TIS is a major challenge for the development of tourism. Several national, European and international institutional initiatives have proposed different standards to meet the specific needs of tourism professionals, but no international standard have been successfully defined (World Tourism Organization, 2004). French Tourism Actors, in association with the French Ministry of Tourism, created the TourInFrance (TIF) standard in 1999 in order to ease the exchange of tourism data. Major French Tourism Information System such as Raccourci Interactive, TourinSoft and Sitra, adopted the TourInFrance standard (TIF) at the beginning of the 2000’s. It is used today by more than 3 000 tourist offices in France, by DTC and by different tour operators, to facilitate data exchange between these different actors.
In 2004, the TourInFrance Technical Group (TIFTG) approved the new version of the standard, TIF V3. In this version, the standard has evolved towards XML technologies to facilitate the publication of information on the web and the exchange of information between systems. It comes together with several thesaurus.
Since 2005, this standard stopped evolving. As a result, tourism professionals have adapted the standard to their own needs (new tags added, varying syntax, etc.) and proposed their own evolution in an unorganized way. With the creation of web technologies and the democratization of open-data, this standard became outdated and TIS lost their inter-compatibilities and cannot directly share their data using international standards. Finally, the lack of international standards, in accordance with
the exploitation of tourism information, are trapped in their own territory, and thus it is a complicated task to aggregate these information.
https://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/doucet/papers/ENTER2016.pdf (en anglais)
voir aussi
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016
pp 751-763, 23 January 2016.
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par exemple
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